Pokrovitelj konferencije je /Under the auspicies of
Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja Republike Hrvatske / Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia

Special edition
Croatian Journal of Education
Second International Artistic and Scientific Conference on Arts and Creativity in Education ACE ZAGREB

Zbornik radova/Book of Papers ACE ZAGREB 2020
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Keynote Speakers

Rita L. Irwin is a Distinguished University Scholar and Professor of Art Education at The University of British Columbia, Canada. Her research interests have spanned in-service art education, teacher education, socio-cultural issues, curriculum practices across K-12 and informal learning settings, and a/r/tography.

Tomislav Buntak has been a President of the CAA since 2018. Since May 2016 he has been Head of Administration and Finances at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb and Dean of the Academy of Fine Arts at the University of Zagreb since October 2018. In his artistic work he has held over 60 solo and over a hundred group exhibitions so far, in Croatia and abroad, and studied in New York, Tokyo, Leipzig, etc.

Boris Jokić is a senior research fellow at the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb. He graduated at the Psychology department at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zagreb, and he got his master and doctoral degree in educational sciences at the University of Cambridge (UK).
Artistic Workshops

Iva Šverko & Marina Bauer

Normela Krešić Vrkljan & Gordana Svetopetrić

Ksenija Turčić

Iva Novak & Marta Kuliš Aralica

Andreja Jeličić, Lovorka Puk Tomić & Tina Vrtar Stipić

Ivana Balić

Tomaž Župančić / Avgust Demšar

Ana Čorić

Ana Sladetić i Miran Šabić

Jasmin Novljaković

Marijana Županić Benić

Rolf Laven

Ned Sabi i Katarina Planinc

Matej Pašalić
Figure Drawing
reapiting/traditional workshop by Tomislav Buntak& Danko Friščić


The String Quartet of Zagreb Music Academy, mentor Jože Haluza, red. prof. art. (u mir.)
Scherzo Joseph Haydn (1732. - 1809.), 3rd string quartet op. 33, "The Bird"
Juro Tkalčić (1877. - 1957.), Mali gudački kvartet / The Little String Quartet, Arabeska
Jakov Šredl, 1. violina / 1st violin (4. god., red. prof. art. Anđelko Krpan)
Edita Kolovrat, 2. violina / 2nd violin (2. god., izv. prof. art. Davor Philips)
Jan Nemet - Gužvić, viola (2. god., izv. prof. art. Aleksandar Milošev)
Zoran Resnik, violončelo / cello (2. god., red. prof. art. Krešimir Lazar)
Arts and Creativity in Education
Deadline for abstract submission: September 15th 2019
Notification about the abstract acceptance: by September 20th 2019
Submitting research papers for publishing in international peer reviewed journal: June 30th 2020 (prolonged to 1st December 2020)
Early registration fee: September 15th - October 15th 2019
Late registration fee: October 16th 2019 - January 15th 2020
One author can't submit more than two abstracts.
For participation in Conference it is possible to apply:
- individual or co-authored presentation
- poster-presentation
- short (5 min max.) pedagogical video report from practice which is relevant to the topics of the conference
Early registration fees PRESENTERS submission: September 15th - October 15th 2019 200,00 €
Early registration fees PRESENTERS-STUDENTS submission: September 15, 2019 - October 15th 2019 150,00 €
Late registration fees PRESENTERS submission: October 16th 2019 - January 15th 2020 250,00 €
Late registration fees PRESENTERS-STUDENTS submission: October 16th 2019 - January 15th 2020 200,00 €
Registration fees NON - PRESENTERS submission until January 15th 2020 200,00 €